The "Not so Useful Blog!"

Or Useful? Maybe!

Lesson from NPM fiasco

If you’re active over any of the developer community recently, you must have heard of NPM fiasco. If not, read here – After this happened, everybody came out with their official response and defense. First the author Azer, then… Continue Reading →

For all Style Sheet needs!

We need style sheets for our websites, we all do. Unless, of course it’s badly written HTML with CSS codes inline, we need style sheets to define all those CSS rules that make the website visually appealing. Style sheets are generally… Continue Reading →

A Better Android DatePicker Plug-in for Cordova

Cordova (previously PhoneGap) needs no introduction. It’s the best solution to deploy websites developed using HTML, CSS and Javascript as a native app over wide range of mobile devices. Certainly mobile app built using web technologies has it’s own share of advantages and… Continue Reading →

Take control of your Android – Tasker!

With my growing love towards great open world of Android and it’s being hard to cover them in one, I decided to start a blog series – Take control of Android. This series will primarily deal with the various tools… Continue Reading →

Outlook web mail is here!

Finally, Microsoft has decided to go for more aptly named for it’s web mail service. It’s quite fitting and more professional naming compared to older Hotmail or Live Mail. For those of you who wonders if someone really uses… Continue Reading →

Same blog, new Destination!

Finally I moved my blog to my own server. And of course, if you’re reading the post, you know the new URL :P. My new blog will be a self hosted WordPress blog, unlike the previous, hosted on WordPress site…. Continue Reading →

The Dark Knight Rises – a Fan’s love is the Fan’s hate!

Before I start, let me clear something – I’m a big fan of Christopher Nolan and it’s quite rare if I missed any of his work in movies. Likewise, I’m a great fan of Batman comics, having watched almost all… Continue Reading →

Root any Android phone without hassle!

Android is really a fun mobile OS providing you the ability to customize it the way you like, or to install as many  app you want. But if you really want to take full advantage of the OS, you need… Continue Reading →

How to get rid of Facebook Timeline (and bonus)?

If you don’t like the new Facebook Timeline and want it to removed in lieu of old Facebook Profile page, then you should know one thing – Facebook is not gonna do that, at least not anytime soon. So, can… Continue Reading →

Facebook Desktop Messenger is here!

Well, almost. Although it’s available to selected few testers currently, but if you follow this link, you can get your hands on it right away! Now, as it’s clear that you can get the messenger damn easy, one question comes to… Continue Reading →

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