With my growing love towards great open world of Android and it’s being hard to cover them in one, I decided to start a blog series – Take control of Android. This series will primarily deal with the various tools… Continue Reading →
Finally, Microsoft has decided to go for more aptly named Outlook.com for it’s web mail service. It’s quite fitting and more professional naming compared to older Hotmail or Live Mail. For those of you who wonders if someone really uses… Continue Reading →
Well, it’s nothing like everything in Gmail has changed overnight and you should start expecting a Milky Way on its page, but the how else I’m supposed to attract your attention, hmm? And no, Google hasn’t launched a new iPhone,… Continue Reading →
We’ll it’s been in news that Google is killing majority of it’s side projects. Today it added few more to be switched off lists. It’s quite clear that Google is moving to it roots and don’t want to try and… Continue Reading →
Google+ is surely a current buzzword. Everyone is talking about it, even if they don’t get a invite! Now once you’re on Google+, you may find a lots of things missing from it. Owing to its project status, we can’t… Continue Reading →
Yeah sure it is, and Google is all over us to affirm this. Recently launched Swiffy seems to be another nail in Flash coffin. With this nifty tool, one can simply create HTML5 out of (almost) any flash file. All you… Continue Reading →
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