The "Not so Useful Blog!"

Or Useful? Maybe!


October 5, 2011

Today Govt. on India has released it’s much awaited tablet, Aakash, at a highly subsidized price of Rs. 1400 for students (Rs. 3000 for common mass). It’s a 7 inch tablet, running on Android Froyo. Full specifications is given below…. Continue Reading →

Hi friends, You know that how much messy (not that difficult though) CSS is when it comes to write/edit the code for it. Without any tools, it simply a pain to use CSS, but it’s strengths cannot be neglected and… Continue Reading →

Hi Guys, I’ve covered a way to remove real-time news ticker and fixed nav-bar. Also, I’ve covered a way to get old Facebook UI back in my post, but it’s not working anymore. Today, I’m gonna cover most important part of Facebook… Continue Reading →

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